5 reasons to have your family photo session done in home | Hamilton Family Lifestyle Photographer

I love shooting outdoors, finding new places to explore and that beautiful golden hour light. But let’s face it, that’s tricky to do in winter! Outdoor sessions can absolutely be done in winter, but it takes a little more planning - layering on top of styling your outfits so you don’t end up with photos of bulky winter coats and snow pants, keeping the little ones warm and happy, hoping there will be snow on the date of the session. (For me it’s keeping the feeling in my fingers while shooting in the cold!) When winter comes my shooting style switches back to embracing the low light indoors, which can be quite beautiful. You may think Fall or Spring is the best time to get your family photos done (there are still challenges - hello rain days??) so here are some reasons you might consider in your own home this winter instead!


Reason 1: It’s easy.

No packing snacks, worrying about bringing along extra outfits to change into, no rain day rescheduling. You have everything you need right here, simple!


Reason 2: Children & baby’s comfort level.

There is no transitioning from nap time to going out somewhere so they will generally be happier. Sometimes kids can get overstimulated or their change of environment will affect their mood. At home they are in their comfort zone and often times they get excited to show me their favourite toys they have in their room or point out where their pet likes to play etc and these make great captures!


Reason 3: Window light!!!

If you’re worried about your house being dark or messy, taking shots beside a window can result in some really gorgeous images with great light. These ones usually end up being my favourite and I use window light in my own house for pretty indoor pictures.


Reason 4: Documenting your real life as it is right now.

Tomorrow your house will look different than it did today, different toys will be strewn across the floor, furniture might be in a different place than it was a year ago, and when I look back at my own photos from inside my house I love to see how things change and how each day is new. That in itself needs to be documented! I shoot from a documentary inspired approach so even if your home is what you might consider a mess you may not see it that way in the images when you look back at them in the future. Doing a simple activity such as baking, cuddling up reading your kids books, jumping on the bed?? These are memories I know you will want to remember even more than a styled and posed on location session. There’s a time for those shots and a time for real life memories - don’t let these times be forgotten.


Reason 5: Intimate, raw, REAL.

Maybe there’s a shot that you’ve always wanted to have captured but having it taken outside or in a studio is not fitting... My toddler loves to join me in the shower and play with her ducky and that is a shot I personally would love to capture for myself to remember but it’s not exactly an easy shot to get outside! In your own home you won’t be worrying about an audience. In your own personal space is where you can feel free to open up and be yourself.


Some extra tips for in home family sessions:

  • tidy excess clutter (I don’t mean deep clean model home presentation style, just do what I do and literally shove things you don’t want to be distracting in photos into a drawer or corner for now!!)

  • wear neutral clothes, no words or logos unless it makes sense for your photos and is not overly distracting. PJ’s are more than ok too! It’s your home so feel free to wear what’s comfy.

  • have a few simple activities planned. Build lego with your kids, make some hot chocolate or put on some music and dance!

  • be open to having me explore your home to find the best light to use. That could be your bedroom, kitchen, even the bathroom if you have great light in there!

  • have your babes and kiddos fed beforehand so they don’t get hangry like mine tend to do when I bring out the camera!! Haha.